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General FAQs

What makes WANI perfumes unique?

Are WANI products vegan and cruelty-free?

Where are WANI products manufactured?

Do WANI products contain any synthetic ingredients?

How should I store my WANI products?

Perfume FAQs

What is the difference between perfume, eau de parfum, and eau de toilette?

How should I store my perfume?

How can I make my perfume last longer?

Why does my perfume smell different on me than it does on someone else?

Can I wear perfume if I have sensitive skin?

What are top, middle, and base notes in perfume?

Why do some perfumes change color over time?

Can I mix different perfumes?

FAQs about Attar

What is attar?

How is attar different from synthetic perfumes?

How do I apply attar?

How long does attar last?

How long should I age my attar?

Can attar be used for aromatherapy?

Is attar suitable for all skin types?

How do I choose the right attar for me?